My name gets misspelled quite often. Over the years I have come to find it amusing and I realize it is the price one pays for having a unique name. Here are some of the best misspellings of ‘Bryson Lang’ that I have encountered and endured. (My first name is Stephen so I have included a few of its butcherings as well)
This was on a check from a corporate gig. The bank didn’t seem to notice or care.
Literally, the first week I arrived in CA I got a call from Disney to work on a commercial. This was my wardrobe tag and one of the finest examples of my name misspelled.
My first Comedy Club performance, in Philadelphia. Welcome to showbiz. I was a “big” hit.
My welcome aboard envelope on a cruise ship. “Right this way, Mr. Byron.”
Again with the Byron. I feel like if I put “Lord” in front of this one would make it all ok.
Brizoz? Brizon? Brinoz? You’re guess is as good as mine.
Shorter and simpler. I can accept it.
Shorter and simpler. I can accept that too. My sister, Lois, would agree.
Like the vowel slogan says…”sometimes Y”. Fortunately, my name on the headshot was correct.
And here’s how much we appreciate you.
That spelling is fine…on another planet. By the way, I don’t live at this address anymore so don’t all of you go rushing over there to stake out my old apt.
“Long” is what “Lang” means in German so technically you aren’t wrong. But you’re still kind of wrong.
This is what surfer-dudes call me. They emphasize the second syllable. “bry-SOHN!!”
This was a parking spot that was saved for me for a specific gig. Written with such authority.
The question marks end up having an extra purpose, as in: “Is this the way he spells it?” Answer: Nope.
A creative and unique version.
See previous caption.
Bracle is so far off it makes me think there was an ether leak a this repair shop.
Somebody loves his vowels!
This was from a reputable magazine and to be honest, it’s fun to say, “Byrson”. It’s also fun to say, “Illustionist”.
The next 6 examples are where they spelled Bryson correctly which was refreshing.
My building.
My street.
My city. I’m the Mayor. Free parking for everyone and right on red.
My crest evidently includes throwing stars and a banana.
When it’s all over, I will be very disappointed if they don’t get this one right for Pete’s sake.
Category : Extras